Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Confession....

Okay, okay....I have to admit this.....

At the last minute on Monday afternoon, one of my co-workers requested some cupcakes. I, feeling flattered, eagerly agreed to bake them. But of course, I had forgotten that Alex and I were going to view some houses that our realtor had found for us. So I was pressed for time....

...and I used a cake mix and pre-made frosting! I know, the horror!

I took them to work today, and one of my co-workers claimed them as the best cupcakes I had ever made! I work for a TV studio, and the host and talent talked about the cupcakes for an hour, raving about how great they were! I just soaked up their praises and didn't say a word about the cupcakes being made from a mix!

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