Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pampered Chef Party Cupcakes

My awesome mother-in-law Lori hosted a Pampered Chef Party in her home a little while ago. She asked me to make cupcakes, and of course I accepted! The color theme of the party was pink, in support of breast cancer awareness. I decided to keep the pink subtle, and made a golden cupcake (or yellow cake) with chocolate buttercream frosting, with pink dot sprinkles.

The cupcakes went over very well, and I even sent some home with the Pampered Chef lady! I even got some sweet things from Pampered Chef, like this...

Bamboo serving bowl...Alex likes all things wooden in the kitchen....bowls, serving, etc.

And these adorable polka dot bowls, we have used them so much already. They are perfect for pasta, or rice dishes with lots of liquid.

This little mini-serving spatula is awesome for lifting cookies off of baking sheets, and I used it this morning for some help with fresh cinnamon rolls I made.

The BEST ice cream scoop EVER!

This garlic infused canola oil is amazing! Even though it's probably not the healthiest thing on the planet....all things in moderation, right?

Okay, okay, so I may have gone a little overboard with the Pampered Chef stuff, but this is good stuff! And I spend so much time in the kitchen, these items will certainly get lots of use. :)

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